How to mix your E-Liquid


Before starting to mix your e-liquid, please make sure you have checked the safety and calculator pages to be fully prepared. Not knowing the correct percentages you are adding could end with a bad tasting or vaping e-liquid and a waste of your money/effort. However we love a bit of trial and error work so if you would like to give it a basho on your own – please still check the safety section. See our terms and conditions for using this guide.

What you need

You are going to need some basic supplies before starting, you can build up on your supply to make life a little easier in the future but for now these basic will do.

You need to have the quantities already worked out – you can use our online calculator here.


  • Nicotine – Ours is 7.2% in VG base (If using)
  • VG (Vegetable Glycerine)
  • PG (monopropylene Glycol)
  • Flavouring/s
  • Syringes (1-4)
  • Mixing container (Glass beaker)
  • Paper towels 
  • Boiling water in a flat container (Essential if using menthol flavouring – to stop crystallising)
  • Mixing rod or magnetic stirrer 
  • Bottles for the finished e-liquid
  • Gloves and other safety wear.

Some of these things you may not need such as a magnetic stirrer, but if you are investing in this project then it would be a good idea to invest in the best.


Before mixing your e-liquid,make sure you have clean surfaces and that all the equipment you are using has been sterilised. You’re going to be inhaling the liquid you make so you want to know there’s no dust or dirt in any of the containers or on the surface.


Make sure you have some disposable tissues for spills which you can throw out after, if any of the liquids spill DON’T use a towel or something you wish to keep, it could be dangerous. 


  1. Start by moving your VG, PG and Nicotine to one side along with the beaker, syringes and stirrer. Leave the flavouring, bottles and boiling water out of the way for now.
  2. Ensure you have paper towel under the beaker.
  3. Take the syringe and measure the appropriate amount of Nicotine.
  4. Pour that Nicotine into the beaker.
  5. Do the same for the VG and PG.
  6. Place the beaker in the container of boiling water (if you are doing this part) ensuring the water line comes to the e-liquid line inside the beaker.
  7. Wait for 5 minutes.
  8. Take the beaker out of the water and place it on the paper towel.
  9. Using the stirrer, stir the liquid until it is clear and a similar consistency to egg whites.
  10. Using a syringe, measure out the appropriate amount of flavouring and pour it into the e-liquid.
  11. Repeat steps 6-9 thought depending on your flavour the liquid may not be clear.
  12. Once this is done, use another syringe to pour the e-liquid into one of your bottles (depending on how much you have made).
  13. Ensure a child-proof cap is applied.
  14. Leave to steep from 1-2 weeks for tobacco flavours. 2-7 days for sweet and fruit flavours. Ready straight away for our menthol and mint flavours.
  15. Enjoy your home made e-liquid!



If you prefer to use a different method to mix your liquid or would like to watch a video about the process I have attached one below which gives you all the necessary  instructions. Note: Some of the steps will differ from the above instructions, mixing e-liquid can be done various ways simply find what works best for you.


Video credit: New Amsterdam Vape


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